Maintenance Products

Multifunctional oil, assembly paste,special cutting-oil or silicone spray-providing RIVOLTA - maintenance products Bremer & Leguil offers a multitude of  tried and tested solutions for various cases of applications in the area of service and maintenance.

Product Description 
 T.R.S./T.R.S. Plus
Creep and fine oils to release,to get going,tolubricate, to protect,to maintain and to glide. 
 T.F.L.10Multifunctional oil with PTFE 
 T.F.L.90Fully synthetic lubricating oil-additive with PTFE 
Anti-seize agent and lubricant for repair,assembly and maintenance work. 
Light-coloured high performance grease paste multi-purpose in use. 
Universal cutting-oil - free of chlorine. 
Special cutting-oil-chlorine-free for most difficult machining operations. 
 S.I.L.  Silicone spray